Thursday, January 25, 2018


Confession: I struggle with jealousy. 

My kids were home two days last week because of the snow and ice. I am tired. Don’t get me wrong it has been really fun! I am so glad my kids were home because snow days. We did not have much snow but it was enough for them. They threw snowballs, built mini snowman, and even practiced sledding down the hill! However, as I watched them from my wheel chair, I became really bitter. I looked past all the many blessings and just looked at everything I did not have and wanted! I tried to make a list of things I could be thankful for instead of wallowing in my pity (although I really wanted to wallow).

I have a wheelchair that can go outside and watch the kids play in the snow. 
I have children that wanted me to come out with them and waited patiently until I got in my chair to play in the snow. 
My children were healthy enough to run and play outside and most of the time had a really good time with each other! 
My husband is very hard-working and has a good job that provided us with a house that keeps us warm on a cold day! 
Our house also has big doors for wheelchairs and ramps... it even has cabinets with drawers that pull out and are easily accessible! Our house really is amazing... talk about God‘s provision!  

Sometimes I get so tired of watching life from the wheelchair and I want to stand up and do! I have so many things to be thankful for but I can quickly look past that and focus on all the things that I want or think would make my life better. Isn’t it easy to get focused on all of the things we want instead of all the blessings that we DO have?

I play a game with my kids called Count Your Blessings. They roll their eyes (especially my 10-year-old) but begrudgingly they play it and they always end up in a better mood. Each person only has three seconds to name a blessing. I normally keep them going until I begin to see smiles on their face instead of the grumpy looks and arguing that are about to ensue.  In Philippians 4:8 God's Word tells us “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” In Colossians 3:2 it says to “set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Whether it be our spouse or our children or coworkers we choose the tone for our life. We choose our own attitude and our focus. Are we going to choose an attitude of gratitude or an attitude of grumbling and complaining? What do we reflect to others? Do we reflect Jesus Christ or ourselves? My prayer for each of us is that as we start our day we make a conscious decision to set our mind on things above and begin to look more like Christ as we reflect Him to others.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Life Verse

What is your life verse?
Last year for Christmas our kids received life verse journals. Each page of the journal has a different bible verse and then a coloring page. The journal also has activities that go along with that verse that help explain the meaning of the verse. For example, they can choose to color the page and verse with Matthew 5:16, “in the same way let your light shine before men so that others may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.” Then we discuss what it means to let our light shine before others and we list ways we can do this in their journal. As we started the new year, I had them pick out a verse that I can pray over them as they begin their new year. I take their journals into the kitchen and before they start their day I pray over them using that specific scripture. I don’t always have the words to say and I don’t always feel like God is listening. However, God’s Word does not change based on my feelings or mood and whether I feel a certain way or not, He IS listening! When I need to be reminded of God‘s protective shield over our families lives, I pray Psalms 91:4, "He covers you with His feathers you will take refuge under His wings His faithfulness will be protective shield.” When I feel alone I pray Psalm 56:3, “when I am afraid I will trust in you.” When I feel discouraged or worried I pray Philippians 4:6, "don’t worry about anything but in everything through prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your request be known to God.” When I pray for the fruit of the Spirit to be reflected in my children’s lives in my life, I pray 1 Timothy 4:12 “ don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young but be in example for the believers in speech and conduct in love in faith and in purity.”  When I need to be reminded of God‘s strength and power I pray, Psalm 93:4, “ mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty.” I thought for a long time that I was inadequate with the words I spoke and the way I prayed aloud. Prayer is conversation with God. I begin my prayer in the morning when I wake up and I say amen when I put my head on my pillow. It is a constant conversation with the Creator of the universe and maker of you and me. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 it tells us to “pray without ceasing.” Ceasing means never stopping...lifting every detail up to our Father. I recently bought a shirt that says you’re in the details and I wear it A LOT to remind myself and others that God is in the details of our lives. I challenge you as we begin this new year to find a life verse for yourself and for your family members. Pray it over them and pray it over you remembering He is in the details! My prayer for you is to know Him more intimately this year than the last!

How Do You Fight Your Battles?

How do you fight your battles?     So I have to tell you about something super cool that happened to me a few weeks ago. But first I ...