read something recently by one of my heroes, Joni Erickson Tada, where
she said her wheelchair is her pulpit. She is not her wheelchair but she
uses her suffering and her circumstances
to preach the gospel and tell others about Jesus. MS is my pulpit. It
does not define me and it is not who I am however it is a circumstance
that my family has been given and I want to use it as my pulpit.
I got a tattoo as one of my birthday presents. I've wanted one for
quite a while but was unsure what to get, and well it's kind of
permanent:). I decided on the word
grace. Grace is defined as the free and the unmerited favor of
God manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of
blessings. Grace also means to honor or give credit to someone or
something by one's presence.
There are three reasons I chose
the word grace. In Ephesians 2:8-9 the Bible says, "for by grace
you have been saved through faith, not of yourself. It is a gift from
God not by works so that no one should boast." When I see the word grace
on my wrist I am reminded of what Jesus did
for me and for you. I am reminded that salvation is not going to be
taken away from me. It is a gift not anything I need to do but accept
I look at my wrist and the word grace I am also reminded to give grace
to others. There is so much I need help with and it is hard not to
become bitter and take it out on others.
I know that my family and friends are trying to help me and trust me I
am grateful. However it is hard to accept so much help sometimes with a
gracious heart. I want to fill out the paperwork for my children at
school. I want to teach them to tie their shoes
and run and play soccer instead of watch them. This is when I need to
be reminded of the grace that has been given to me and show grace to
others. Each person is the Imago dei, made in the image of Christ. Well
there are many times I would gladly give this
disease back, it is my pulpit and I am grateful.
is also hard to have grace for myself at that moment. I feel inadequate
as their mother because I want to help them and I cannot. It is hard to
have grace for myself and accept
my limitations when I get in a downward spiral of discouragement. That
is when I look at my wrist and remember the grace that is greater than
all my sin and I am grateful.