"Truly I tell you if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20
"I want to be able to do it myself!!!"
I realize that I sound kind of like a two-year-old who doesn't get their way, but I'm so tired of needing so much help. God always provides, and I know He does, but I want to be able to do it myself. It feels like I need help with everything!!
I woke up very early this morning and turned on my kitchen lights to find little tiny ants all over the floor of my kitchen. I feel like there was about 1 million although I'm sure that's exaggerating a little bit:). I rode around in my wheelchair with spray and a paper towel in my lap. Soon, it was time to wake up the kids. By Thursday, morning they are tired of getting up early so they were fighting and grumpy. I wanted to teach them about the word determination since we did that at church last night for the kids.
Determination = deciding it is worth it to finish what you started.
I told them that as kindergartners and a third grader it was time to finish the year with determination. It was time to finish their year with the best although they were tired and did not feel like doing much of anything. I thought I was teaching them, but I realized after they got on the bus, that I was teaching determination to myself as much as I was teaching it to them.
As I've written many times before: this life is hard. I don't know about you, but many times I want to give up and definitely not finish with my best. Ephesians 6:10-18 describes the armor of God. Every morning, when school first started, the kids and I put on the armor of God. We put on the helmet of Salvation, the belt of Truth, the shield of Faith, the breastplate of Righteousness, the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, and the gospel-ready boots or shoes of Peace. My kids like to put on their gospel-ready sandals or gospel-ready tennis shoes:). I'll be honest and tell you that many times now we are rushing out the door to get to the bus, and I don't say anything about the armor of God. My kids may be putting it on, but their mama is not teaching them or reminding them to. I want my kids to finish this year and to finish this life with determination.
I want to finish this life with determination.
That means that I need to trust that God gives us what we need to keep going and make sure that we are putting on the armor of God and "standing firm against the devil's schemes." My prayer for you is that you will decide it's worth it to finish what you start with determination and the armor of God.
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