Sunday, November 5, 2017

Heart Eyes

Confession: I struggle with being self centered. 

I get so wrapped up in how my needs are going to be met and how my family‘s needs are going to be met. My lack of driving is fairly new, and I struggle with feeling completely dependent all the time. It is amazing how busy you will become making sure all three kids are taken care of as well as making doctors appointments and just life in general (like the grocery store and laundry:)) My reminders list has about 20 things on it each day. I get up really early to get ready for the day, but it’s crazy how fast the time flies and it is dinner time! I have heard many times that Satan likes to keep us busy and so focused on everything else besides God.

I was reading a devotional with my daughter last night and it talked about having heart eyes. It doesn’t mean following after our own heart. Our own heart is deceitful and can lead us astray. Heart eyes means having our eyes open to those around us...seeing others as Jesus does! We are God’s treasured possession. What do you do with treasure? You take care of it...good care of it! You always know where the treasure is and that it has everything it needs. God didn’t just create some people to be treasured; He created ALL people to be treasured! 

I don’t want to always be focused on myself and how my needs are going to be met. That’s where I have to learn to trust and lean on God and not my own understanding of the circumstances surrounding me. In Proverbs 3, it says:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and turn away from evil."

I want to fear God and know that He is a good father... He loves my family much more than I do! After all He created them:)! I want to have “heart eyes” to focus on those around me. When someone else is always taking me to the grocery store or an appointment or my children’s school, I want to see them as the imago dei, or as the "image of God," and encourage or listen in any way I can. Every time I go to an appointment, do I see those around me? I don’t want to miss an opportunity that God has placed in my path or be unaware of those around me. I want to have heart eyes and my prayer for you is that you will too!

“For you were once darkness, but now you are the light in the Lord; live as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8

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