Friday, June 30, 2017


I tell my children all the time to obey the first time. Why do I want them to obey the first time?  Well, because I'm their mother and I said so:)... but hopefully they've also seen in ME reasons why they would want to obey. They obey because they trust me. My children know that I have their best interest at heart. They know that I'm older than them and that I know a little bit more than they do (most of the time). Also, I want my children to say “Please” and “Thank you” and “Yes, ma’am" and “No, ma’am" (I'm from the South; we have to say ma'am). I want them to show respect not only for me but for all authority. There are grownups in their lives other than their dad and I, and my children should show respect. 

More than respect for me, I want their obedience to stem from my love for them and their love for me. They don't always obey (shocking I know) and there are consequences when they don’t, but I don't stop loving them because of their disobedience. My love for them grows deeper and their love for me grows deeper as our relationship grows deeper. There are rules that need to be followed, but I want my children to know me as their mom and not as their task master. 
God is not our taskmaster, He is our Father. He desires a relationship with us. We are His children and He is our creator. It would break my heart if my own child did not want to have a relationship with me or if they followed all the rules and were "good" but had no relationship with me. A relationship with someone means that we spend time with them. We don't just know of them but we KNOW them. We know their likes and dislikes. We know their voice. We want to spend time with them and learn more about them. Psalm 1 says that those who obey God's word are "like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit in each season.”

We are God's imago dei, made in His image. We are His children and He wants what is best for us. Our obedience and the choices we make spring from our reliance on God and His word. It's not always what we want BUT it is why we are taught to obey, to trust, and to love the One who made us. 

"But they delight in the law of the Lord meditating on it day and night" Psalm 1:3

"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things." Galatians  5:22

“Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.”  James 1:23-25 (NIV)

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Don't Be A Blessing Blocker

So today I fell out of my wheelchair... at the park... on a play date with my daughter. Can I say so embarrassing??? I was excited to go on a play date with my daughter and her friend and her mom. I was going to be a "normal" mom. However, the concrete slanted and my wheelchair went off the path instead of going straight, and I went with it into the dirt. So many people came running to help me and my daughter just kept saying, "Please help my mommy." I put my sunglasses on quickly so no one would see my eyes tearing up as people put me back in my wheelchair and pushed me back up onto the concrete. One sweet lady said, "Oh my goodness, dear. You tore a hole in your jeans." I assured her that I had not  because I had just bought them that way:). My daughter told several of the people, "Thank you for helping my mommy." It was very sweet and of course I was grateful for the people and grateful for my daughter's reaction. But once again I was embarrassed... I just wanted my daughter to be on the playground and not have to worry about her mommy. I wanted to be a "normal" mommy and not draw attention to me. 
Have you ever heard the saying "the struggle is real, y'all"? Well, it's real! I felt like saying that this past weekend!! During communion last weekend, we did intinction where we dip the bread into the juice. People go up to the front but of course I could not. The pastor said that the deacons would bring the bread and juice to those of us who had to stay seated, and of course they would, but again I just didn't want to draw attention to myself. I was embarrassed. I didn't want to embarrass my kids (although I'm not sure if they would've cared:)). So I just sat there and let the tears roll down my cheeks because I was just tired of the fight. I was just tired of all the many things that I used to take for granted and that were just so hard now. I should have let my mom or my friend wave the usher down because they wanted too. It was dark inside the sanctuary so fortunately no one but my mom and my friend sitting next to me knew about the tears. 
    Recently, one of my sweet friends told me to stop being a blessing blocker and let her help. I came home from church and started to throw a pity party for myself when I realized two things. One is that communion is not about me and two, that I was being a blessing blocker. When I fell out of the wheelchair at the park there were so many people that came over to help and I know so many people that witnessed the little incident:). It encouraged me just to see how many people came over to help but it also really encouraged me to see how my daughter reacted. She told everyone that I was her mommy and she thanked them for helping me. Who knows how it might have encouraged someone else? Or the incident during communion? I'm sure it will help people to see those who are unable to go up front more clearly or notice the needs of others that might need help. In this culture we don't always look out for the other person, so I challenge all of us to keep our eyes and ears open and when you need help, accept it! Do not be a blessing blocker:)!

How Do You Fight Your Battles?

How do you fight your battles?     So I have to tell you about something super cool that happened to me a few weeks ago. But first I ...